One day I came home and his crib was outside and his big boy bed was set up...He was really excited and did not even want to go back to the crib...My husband also switched rooms and told him that big boys needed a big boy bed and a big boy was also closer to the bathroom for when we decide to start potty training it will be easier to go to the bathroom...the only problem I had was that it was further away from my room, but I could still hear him. Well, I have a big 2 yr old and we made the transistion to a big boy bed. We developed a routine of bath, a drink of milk, juice or water, brush teethe, read a book and then night night time. All depending on how tired he is is, some nights its great, others, I need to lay on the floor for just a little while reminding him that Barney has gone night night and his grandma is night night...I tell him to close his eyes and sing a song or I sing a song and he is usually in dream land in about 5 minutes. If not I start telling him the story of the three wolves or the three little pigs, but in the dark..There has been nights when he just will not go down and when he decides he wants to stay up, I tell him to go stand in the corner...he seems to get real tired after about 30 seconds in the corner...he gives me a kiss and hops in bed..I would not recommend that you close the door ever...but you do need to keep a baby gate up so that when he wakes up he cant wonder around getting into works really great for me and my husband because he knows the routine too....good luck,