Oh my goodness...what a mess you have created for yourself. Now you need to slowly undo it. No you don't need to get better organized...there are only so many hours in the day!!! No you don't need to hire someone!!
You have a husband who is to be your partner...it is time he start acting like a partner. Don't let him guilt you into this being your problem...or copping out. THis has been a very poor example for your 3 kids to see. It is great that they are doing chores...but they are seeing an unhealthy,unbalanced marriage relationship. And probably an overly stressed mom taking on way too much!!
I am a full time SAHM. This is the agreement we made before getting married. I see how much it helps our relationship to have the separate roles for keeping our family functioning and happy. BUT...this was our agreement....it does not work for everyone.
That being said...I am not sure if you two ever sat down and discussed these details before setting up house and bringing kids into the family. Sounds like you just kept taking on more and more. Now you are ready to crumble under the weight of the load....and your marriage is filling up with resentment, being taken for granted and hostility.
This is doomed if you keep it up..because you are already calling your husband a jerk. I can't imagine using that type of language about my husband. I love and adore him. We have a very fun and happy marriage. But that is because he values my contributions to our home and family and thanks me almost daily for being willing to stay home. He is able to focus solely on his job..and me on mine. We both view what I do as a job...and take it seriously. He is also very hands on with the house and kids once he clocks out at work and clocks in at home...even though I am a full time SAHM.
But I understand why you are saying your husband is a jerk...you are angry, don't feel supported, don't feel listened to and made out to feel like this is YOUR problem to make better. Ugh!!
I personally would not go the route of all of a sudden stopping doing everything. That will only cause more disharmony in your relationship and turn into a bad immature game between the two of you. You need to set a better example for your kids about how to resolve marital problems.
I would pick an evening after the kids have gone to bed and you feel emotionally strong to sit down and discuss some options. Type out different options and come to an agreement together on which one you both can work with...and get his input on what he is willing to add on his "to do" list.
Some of the options off the top of my head are
Option 1- Divorce because he is unwilling to compromise and help make an effort to make things more equal in your partnership. Now..this is the most drastic option and I hope it is not even considered.
Option 2- Mom quits job and devotes all her time to home and family. (ok...I am a SAHM...I am rooting for this one. I saw the load lifted off my shoulders once I quit working)
Option 3- Each continue working outside the home but come up with "His" and "Her" lists of duties. Talk...negotiate these chores...discuss them. He can cook 2 nights a week, be responsible for laundry once a week, and alternate weeks of who is monitoring the kids doing there chores, try switching monthly who keeps up on the pets' needs,...etc.
Option 4- You keep doing what you are doing, feel like it is all your responsibility, stress over implementing new organizing/cleaning tips, and take on the jobs of 2 people, and have this burden be yours and yours alone to deal with, resentment continue to build...and have crappy image of your husband...and eventually maybe have a nervous breakdown.
Something has got to give. You can not keep living like this. I am glad you owned up to creating this mess...now it is time you undo it.
I wish you the best...please keep us posted on how things improve. I am rooting for ya!!! And if your husband is reading this? Hello...help out your woman...she needs you..your kids need you to help her. And, believe me..it will pay off in many ways...wink..wink!