I like www.stopthethyroidmadness.com, personally. Everything I know about my condition, I learned from that site. I have an underactive thyroid - it was finally diagnosed about a year ago (though I've probably had an underactive thyroid my whole adult life), and they've been tinkering with my medication levels ever since. Here's the thing. An untreated underactive thyroid is a bad thing. The fact that you've been diagnosed is a good thing, and things WILL get better from here. You may be absolutely shocked at how much better you start to feel once the meds kick in. I do know a few people who've had nodules, and medication will often times cause them to shrink. Even people I know who have had their entire thyroid gland removed, it's not as big a deal as you'd imagine. Truly, out of all the things in the world to be diagnosed with, this isn't a bad one. Just read up on it as much as you can, because many doctors (even endocrinologists, surprisingly) don't know as much about treating an underactive thyroid as they should. For instance, a lot of doctors will only test TSH levels to diagnose thyroid function, and a lot of them still think that any TSH level up to 5.5 is "normal" (I was practically dead at 5.0, no joke). I'm happiest when my TSH level is around 1.2, but my body doesn't process T4 only very well. I'm trying to get them to put me on dessicated thyroid, which provides the whole spectrum of thyroid replacement rather than just T4. Anyway, check out the website I linked to above - it will put your mind at ease, and you'll be armed with some good information about this condition.