My pediatrician told me that any orthodontic problems children have are more related to genetics than thumb sucking. My daughter sucks her thumb, I did, my sister did, my niece did, and so far, no crazy problems with teeth.
Are you for it or against?my daughter recently started and I don't know wether to stop her or just let her?
My pediatrician told me that any orthodontic problems children have are more related to genetics than thumb sucking. My daughter sucks her thumb, I did, my sister did, my niece did, and so far, no crazy problems with teeth.
I'm all for it. I sucked my thumb until about first grade. We all are born with a need to suck to comfort ourselves. Some babies like pacifiers and some don't (my daughter totally refused a pacifier and didn't suck her thumb either, she only wanted me...). A thumb is no worse (I think better) than a pacifier.
My youngest son (now 4) was a thumb sucker. After looking into the problem I decided to get him hooked on a paci on purpose. I figured that I could take a paci away but not a thumb! Every time I would take the paci away he would return to the thumb so he was on the paci until 3 and that was just for naps and bedtime. Then it was gone and he never used his thumb again.
Reasons that I did not want him to suck his thumb was that it becomes a very ingrained habit that is hard to break. Most of the time a person is not even aware that they are doing it. I was surprised to find out just how many adults continue the habit from childhood into adulthood.
Another one is that I did not want him to have dental issues or have a "wonky" thumb.
STOP HER!!! If she has to suck on something, a pacifier is MUCH better than a thumb. You can always take a pacifier away, but the thumb will be with her forever! I know WAY too many girls in particular that sucked their thumbs until they were 10 at night (why 10, I have no idea, but honestly I know about 5) because they just couldn't "give it up".
P.S. Most of these girls also had to have lots of orthodontia work done because of the thumb ruining their teeth. The mom who said otherwise, is just plain lucky. They have proven that kids who suck their thumbs pull their teeth forward in a way that often times needs help. (Plus, she basically reiterated my point that it is crazy hard to break...5 years old and still sucking a thumb...I'm not trying to be rude, just saying it's hard to break!)
it is a self soothing thing and makes the job easier of getting them settled. my first was not a thumb sucker my second is. my moms response was where is the pacifier?? all of us took pacifiers. my response was he takes it out of his mouth and sucks his thumb anyway so why bother. mine is 2 1/2 and starting to outgrow it. so I am for it.
My son used the pacifier (never his thumb), but my 5 month old daughter is starting to suck her thumb. It's funny because her thumb isn't big enough to really sooth her. I prefer that she doesn't suck her thumb, but just like Lynn said, it's hard to stop them because you can't take it away. I still give my daughter the paci at night and for naps. If she ends up sucking her thumb, I can't really stop it.
When my daughter was little, I asked my pediatrician about this. I knew other mom's who would absolutely freak out if the nurses at the hospital gave their kids a pacifier, so I was really confused. The fact is, babies are born with an instinct to suck. It is what helps them eat, but also gives them a great deal of comfort. So, knowing they need to suck, I wasn't sure what was better - the paci or the thumb. My pediatrician said that either was fine, but he preferred the pacifier. When I asked why, he said that as they get older and start reaching for things, they will touch just about anything they can get in their little hands. After they touch things, if they are a thumb sucker, they will put their little germy thumbs in their mouths transferring germs to mouth. He also said that you can eventually take away the pacifier when they get old enough and don't need it for comfort any longer. But you can't take away their thumbs. I started asking around and most of my friends with thumb-sucking children said their kids didn't stop sucking their thumbs until the age of 6 or 7. We got rid of the pacifier at 3. Ultimately, it is your choice, but I hope this helps you!
To me there is nothing more precious than to see a baby sucking their thumbs. It screams, I AM A BABY!! LOOK AT ME SUCK MY THUMB! LOL!! When someone mimicks a baby, what do they do, suck their thumbs! That's just my humble opinion!!
My oldest sucked his thumb and held his "WOOBIE" pillow. Once school started it was only a night thing. And that lasted until he was 12. Of course he denied it vehemently, but I had pictures!!
My middle one took a pacifier, he called it his "BOO". He held onto that until about 4yrs old. One by one they just disappeared and I never bought any more.
My youngest took a pacifier then at 7 months she tried her thumb for about 2 weeks, then she just dropped it all.
The less issue you make of any of it, the easier it is to let it go.
Whatever you decide, just be loving and know that this is their only time to be babies, enjoy it! Before you know it they are towering over you and you are wondering where your baby went!!
Good Luck and God Bless!!
No way to the other posters! Let her have it. It's an amazing self-soother, and it won't drop on the floor or get lost in the crib like a paci. Not to mention that in little kids it's way cuter than walking around with a binki (in my opinion).
Yes, it can be a very hard habit to break (still working on it with my 5 year old) but I wouldn't trade it for it's self-soothing capabilities at all. And your kid is not destined for braces because of it. Like anything, I wouldn't want it to be constant, because then it could cause problems, but my kids teeth are perfect and they've been thumb-suckers from day one.
Good luck!
I have one of each. My oldest was a paci baby and my middle is a tumb sucker, I say is because she is now 12. We have tried everything possibel to get her to stop and she has except when she sleeps we notice she still sucks her tumb. We have taken her to the denist and her teeth are naturally perfectly straight and no problems, her Dr says that there is no cure, so leave her alone. I would say it is more of a parent issue which one you feel more comfortable dealing with. My oldest had a paci until she was about 3 and the she gave it up. Good luck with whatever you decide.
Most experts agree that if you draw a lot of attention to her thumb sucking (try to make her stop), it will only cause her to become more fixated on her thumb and suck it more often and for a longer period of time. I would try to ignore it for now.
My 12 yr. old was born sucking her thumb and didn't stop until she was 7. She is wearing braces for a severe open bite. Her habit was extremely hard to break. She is so ready for the braces to be gone (we started with mini braces at about the age of 7 and are now in full braces) she would vote not to let the habit start.
I am against it but I know it is hard to stop a child who really wants to suck their thumb (you can't take it from them!). I know a child who sucked both of theirs so much the nail grows funny on both and her thumb used to look (not sure if it still does) slightly deformed from it.
My oldest, now 9, sucked his thumb but luckily would only do it when he had his blanket so I tried to make sure he only had his blanket for nap or bed time. He sucked his thumb until he was about 5 when we agreed that he was a big boy and needed to pack up the "Buddy" (that's what he called his blanket) and he hasn't sucked his thumb since. My second son took to the paci just fine although sometimes can be a pain because you always have to make sure you have one with you in case of drama. He's getting to the point where he wants to just walk around with it in his mouth and then won't try to use words just grunts so now I'm having to limit paci time to try and get him to use his words again. Both are cute when kids use them but I have mixed feelings both good and bad towards both. You can't throw the thumb away but you also won't have to search the house or the car for it either. If she associates the thumb with an object it may be easier to tame later. So far my son hasn't needed braces but we are still losing teeth right now
I didnt read your other answers but I say let her do it. I am a mom to 2 thumb suckers since birth (one in the womb- sono showed it) Anyways, they are now 4 and 9 years old and both still do it. Dont let that discourage you. There are many out there that will not agree with me but you CANNOT stop them. If you try, then they will still do it when you are not there. Mine both do it less often now- when sad, bored or sleepy. And once they fall asleep the thumb goes out for the rest of the night. It is very soothing to them. Does it drive me absolutely crazy at times- YES. I wish there was a fix but I have tried every suggestion and special "gadget" out there. My girls dentist was a thumb sucker til the age of 9 and she tells me you cant stop them until they are ready. She is right! Alot of people say that it will cause major dental problems later- and it may. We already know that my oldest will need braces soon and that will for sure stop the sucking. But there are worse things in life than needing braces. Good luck with whatever you decide.