My daughter had thrush this past fall. It can be painfull depending on how bad baby has it. You will definatley need to get a RX for the baby, the first one didnt' work for us, I ended up having to get the one that was VERY expensive (250). Get YoBaby yougourt and that can help as daughter still loves it to this day, she throws a fit if she even see's it now! Make sure you boil all bottles, nipples, passi's, and toys that the baby plays with, daily....I took all of her toys that she puts in her mouth away from her for a few days until the medicine kicked in. If baby takes a passi, switch it several times a day. They told me to try to get her not to take it....but you know how that is when your baby doesn't feel good in the first place!! So we just switched it a lot. As for mommy....make sure you are washing your hands very well for the both of you....if you touch down there you can spread it to yourself. I already had a tube of nystantin left from when I was preggo' I just used that to help me, and you may very well get a yeast infection from baby's thrush. Hope it helps and good luck!!!! Hope baby feels better.