Hi Wes,
I'm sorry to hear you're dealing with thrush. My youngest and I both dealt with yeast when she was 2 weeks old, due to an unnecessary round of antibiotics. It can be very troublesome to eliminate. I think you'll find this link and the suggestions offered helpful.
Here are some suggestions that I found helped us overcome the yeast.
NO SUGAR of ANY kind, you may need to avoid fruit for a short while. Your diet is absolutely essential if you're going to beat yeast. Avoid any processed foods with added sugars and yeast in them.
Grapefruit seed extract 250 mg 3 or 4 times a day.
Coconut oil has anti fungal properties and can be used topically and ingested.
Start taking probiotics and giving them to your baby too. I doubled up on mine and took them in the morning with a glass of water and 30 minutes before breakfast; then again at night 2 hours after dinner.
Eat yogurt...no sweetened or fruit added ones.
Purchase some Gentian Violet to treat yourself and baby.(This turns everything purple)
Use a cup of vinegar in all wash loads, particularly towels, nursing bras and baby's diapers. I diluted the vinegar 1:3 and then soaked 1/2 a paper towel in it. I used this vinegar soaked towel in my daughter's diapers to help keep yeast from spreading.
Sterilize any pacifiers, bottle nipples, nipple shield and pump parts daily and wash them in a vinegar solution or paint them with Gentian Violet.
Echinacea and Astragulus Root, and Vit C and B-complex vit. to boost immune function.
http://www.kellymom.com/ has excellent information and suggestions for treating and preventing thrush too. From my own personal experience, watching my diet and natural methods were a better solution as the meds seemed to create a vicious cycle and never addressed the underlying issue and created more yeast and imbalance within our bodies.. You'll need to be diligent...we've been yeast free but I find that I'm more conscience of what foods I'm putting in my body because of our experience with yeast. IMHO, AVOID the antibiotics if you can. Good luck.