It's definitely a phase. Just don't feed into it and keep trying to apease him.
If he doesn't like the way you dress him, then let him dress himself. If someone else picks up the toys first, then he can't have it. If he drops his food or it breaks, don't let him have anything else until the next meal or snack. If you're done washing your hands, then let him know. I'm all done. Ask him if he needs help? Then turn off the light and leave.
My three and four year old boys can pull up their underwear and pants pretty darn fast when they want to. If they think I'm putting on their favorite movie, getting a snack, getting ready to go outside, or whatever, they get their little butts moving.
Put his little butt in timeout to calm down. Don't let others feed into his tantrums or give him the attention. There are better ways to get his own way.
Teach him to say please for the toy, snacks, etc. Tell him to "use his words" to express being upset or mad instead of throwing a tantrum, screaming, hitting, or whatever else he tries.
Give him alternatives to find new coping mechanisms with his emotions.
If he's taking to long or dawdling around to control the situation, then count him. Tell him he's got 3 counts to do "whatever". He's not done, then you put him in timeout, or leave the room, or he's on his own, etc. Give him a 1 count and tell him briefly what needs to be done. Only use short phrases, just a few words. Wait 5 seconds. Give him count 2. Wait 5 seconds. Give him count 3. If he's not moving by then to do whatever needs done within 5 seconds, then put him in timeout, take away a toy, say he's not watching his favorite movie, or whatever.
When he listens, tell him he's doing a great job, he's a good boy, thank you, some kind of praise. Eventually you should not have to count him upon every request. It works great with my four year old. However, my three year old tests me more often. It's just the maturity level and he's a bit more willful. He thinks he can wear me down when I'm tired or busy or frustrated. I have to make sure to stick to my guns all the time. I tell ya... as soon as I let up they both key into it. In just a few minutes they can figure out a weakness and have the whole house tore up, messy, every toy dumped, start fights, spill food, you name it. I guess that toddlers for you!
Good luck. All of us moms need it!
P.S. try reading a book called 1-2-3-Magic. It really helped me gain control... for the most part anyways! ;-)