At that age you really can't put them on a schedule... they sleep, eat, poo and play when they want to or need to! In fact, you probably shouldn't be waking him up to feed him before you go to bed! Our doctor has always told us not to wake a sleeping baby.. they are on their own rhythm and we shouldn't mess around with it!
In September he'll be 5/6 months old, so he will likely take two long naps- one in the late morning and one in the mid-late afternoon. Just make sure that he's alert and active during the in between times so that he's actually tired in the afternoons. At that age, my son usually napped from 9:30-11 and again from 1:30-3(ish). Around age 1 they drop the morning nap!
My little guy is 3 and still takes a 2 hour nap in the afternoon! They play so hard all day at preschool that he's exhausted by 1!