My daughter was the least interested in her midmorning and mid afternoon feedings so I switched to a sippy of whole milk for those feedings one at a time. I started at about a year. She reacted well and didn't miss the nursings, plus I was busy during the day as a daycare provider. I dropped the morning feed next and the bedtime feeding last. The whole process took 4.5 months and it was really easy for both of us. Especially with the last two feedings she was more attached to I went at her pace and at one point she seemed ready to shun the last feeding of the day and then just as quickly wanted it voraciously . I just went at her pace and I truly enjoyed the weaning process more than the few months preceding it where I was paranoid about not having enough milk because my daughter was so antsy and ambivalent about nursing. My point is follow your heart and just relax once you've made your decision. Weaning doesn't have to be completely mother or child led exclusively. It was a partnership to begin with, right?