My husband takes our little girl and my son to the park once a week to give me a break in the evening. He'll play ball, tossing both our daugter and son a softball while they attempt to hit it with a bat or catch with a mit, play hide and seek, whatever to keep them occupied(and just their dad running around acting crazy with them makes them happy). On weekends, he can take him to the zoo, Gymboree, pump it up, the Aquarium, walk around the lake, the playground, whatever! We have to entertain, even when we are exhausted and don't feel like it, not to mention prepare the meals, bathe and dress, tend to when sick, etc. So yeah, it's not our idea of fun, but to show them some attention now with stay with them forever! Not to mention give us a little break to regain some sanity :-) As they get older, there's more options like fishing, riding bikes, etc. It gets a little easier-then they hit pre-teens and start wanting nothing to do with us!