I have said numerous times to my nealy 3 year old "If you're going to help mommy bake, you MUST keep your hands out of your pants!!!". I shudder each and every time I have to say it. LOL
My kids keep me on the go. I am pretty sure they are both smarter than there dad and I, but plain on trying to keep them from knowing that for as long as I can. My son is a bright young lad of 8 and my daughter is way too smart for a 2 year old. That being said...Last night I found my self saying things to them that I Never EVER thought would come out of my mouth. These where "Son,DON'T put ice cream down your pants" and "Grace, we dont chace your brother with a hammor".
I feel the need to explain these things. We had some ice cream cups and to make it softer he put the ice cream cuip down his pants. As for my daughter, she was "helping" her daddy put up some christmas lights. She got ahold of his hammor and...well..you know.
So I thought it would be a good laugh to share these things with everone and then ask...what thing have you had to say to your little one (or not so little ones) that you never thought would come out of your mouth?
I have said numerous times to my nealy 3 year old "If you're going to help mommy bake, you MUST keep your hands out of your pants!!!". I shudder each and every time I have to say it. LOL
My entire house stopped what they were doing and stared at me when I yelled at the two year old "Quit trying to exude your authority over the cat!" My SO said to me, "Um...Even I don't even know what you mean by that!"
There have been so very many. One that comes to mind is, "We do not put our forks down our pants."
The one I most frequently say to my 2 1/2 yo right now is: If you want your nail polish to stay on, then you have to keep your fingures out of your nose and mouth.... Seriously in that order. YUCK!
I can't think of anything at this moment in time... but OMG I think I wet myself on the replies... hahahah
"I'm having a really hard time getting underwear on this bug."
"Shut your mouth and eat!" ???!!!
"Because I'm the Mom and I say so." (I need a shirt with this saying.)
"Don't let Daddy help you with math anymore."
And my favorite....
"Get off your ath and do some math!"
"Get those monkeys out from under the table"
Ok, the underwear on the bug cracked me up!