With our first, we had an awful time getting rid of them. She was 3 1/2. We did a countdown for a week then "mailed them" to Baby Allie a friend's new baby who lived out of state. She was so upset that she stayed up half the night crying until Daddy went out at 2AM and bought her some more. Ugh!!!
We did the Nuk fairy with our second. He was excited about the present, but cried for his Nuks at naptime and bedtime for about 3 days. He was also 3 1/2 at the time.
We didn't want our third to have them until 3 1/2, so we made him go cold turkey when he was 2 1/2. We just said they were lost. He cried for a couple of days, then was fine.
You can do it! Definitely do not cave! You'll just prolong the agony!