I guess I never thought about it much. We moved the feedings away from the bed time to meal times around 12 months. So if you need to do that...do that first. So like dinner is at 5 and she has milk or water then. then feed her at six not in her room and start the bed time routine. Eventually drop the amount you feed her later on until she is drinking her last drink with dinner and maybe only a sip from a little cup afer brushing teeth. our routine has and still starts around 6 pm. we clean up toys, go upstairs, bath or wash face and feet with a cloth if not too dirty, brush teeth, read books in the hall (we have our book shleves there and just sit there). Then we go to the bedroom, get in bed with a low or no light on. We talked at that age for about ten minutes but have reduced that as I have two kids in preschool now and that took too long. Now it is about two minutes each. sometimes we say a prayer or gratitude. we start; "what was your favorite fun today?" about that age. this all helps build vocabulary and skills needed for early reading. Then it is a song with me standing up at the door and I crack the door and that is it. my oldest does pop out of bed and we use the back to bed tchniques. but my younger one doesn't, goes right to sleep. He has a ocean sounds with a 30 minute timer he listens to and my daughter prefers a classical music CD on occassion.