You got some good suggestions...I hadn't even though of crock pots...I need to utilize those more I think! ;) I also wanted to add that I too have boiled my potatoes ahead of time, stored them in the fridge overnight and then mashed them the next day, it's just fine. Also you can make corn on the cob in the microwave. I do it all the time and it's super easy. All you have to do is get a big pyrex lay the corn in there, cover tightly with plastic wrap and microwave for like 10 minutes (depends on how many ears you have actually) You don't need to add water, although you could add just a little, but corn has a lot of natural water on it's own. The night before just lay the corn out, prep it and put it in the microwave right before dinner and you're all good. You could even do it outside on the BBQ grill if you have one. If your husband likes to grill put him in charge of this! You can eitehr leave them in their husks or wrap them in foil. I also like to slather some butter and parmesean cheese, maybe some salt and pepper int there too. If you're using foil, spray a quick spray of Pam on it first (if you butter/cheese it)! Either method will free up your stove top so you can make the potatoes, gravy, etc. Also, I don't think you'll have to do rolls that day...make them a day ahead and store them in ziplocks, it will be fine!