Yikes! I feel for you. My son just went through some awful ear infections, so I understand. My ped had given us A/B Otic drops for the pain in the ears and that worked really well. I'd suggest you ask your doctor for some. If not (or in the meantime), you can try some warm olive oil in the ear (on a cotton ball to hold it in). Also, our ped had told us to raise up the head of his mattress in his crib -that that would take some of the pressure off his ears and help them drain and him to sleep better. We put a pillow under the head of the bed to do that and it has worked well. Sometimes anitbiotics don't work because often ear infections are caused by a virus, not bacteria. Oh, I would also suggest a humidifier in his room if you aren't already doing that - that should make him more comfortable as well (and help his ears). I was so afraid of my son's eardrums rupturing, but I looked it up on the Internet and it's really not a big deal at all. They heal up pretty quickly if they do rupture, and it relieves the pressure and allows the ear to drain fairly quickly of the infected fluid, so don't be too alarmed if it does rupture. In fact, that's what the doctor is suggesting doing if they don't heal on their own - putting tubes in the ears IS rupturing them and inserting a tube to allow them to drain.
I hope he heals quickly and I will pray for him (and you). I know it's exhausting!! God bless.