Maybe it's time for the doctor to try something else. It doesn't sound like the birth control you're on is working. I've always had problems with acne and I'm 36. I have to be very careful. I tend to have oily skin but maybe some things I do will help you.
I can't forget to wash my face every night. Sometimes I forget to take my makeup off and I'll wake up with pimples the next day.
I also found that I have to wash my hair every single day. I hate doing so much to my hair (chemicals, irons, etc.) but if I skip washing it the oil seems to break my neck and face out. Even behind my ears. So if I skip washing it one day, I put it up and use alcohol. I'll rub it on my neck, behind my ears, and my face just to get the oil/sweat off of me. If I have any pimples, the alcohol seems to really dry them up. So this might help with your pimples whether you have oily skin or not.
I also moisturize every single day. The alcohol can dry your skin out so after I use alcohol, I moisturize. I really like Pond's moisturizer. If you have a pimple that starts bleeding on it's own, maybe it's due to your skin being dried?
If you can't find anything that works, give a dermatologist a try. This is obviously affecting your life in many ways. Besides treating the hormone imbalance, maybe you need a specialist to treat the acne itself.