When my 2 1/2 year old son throws a temper tantrum, we do 1 of 2 things: first, I will grab his arms and cross them on his chest and hold him tightly (same with his legs if he is kicking me), look him in the face and tell him "this is UNACCEPTABLE behavior!" (VERY FIRMLY). If that does not settle him down, he is told "BED ~ NOW!". Children this age will usually throw their tantrums for 2 reasons ~ they are VERY TIRED, or they are HUNGRY. This was very easy for me to figure out with my oldest. They were the ONLY times he EVER threw a temper tantrum (at least, until he started developing "anger issues" with his father at the age of 4 1/2).
Try to pinpoint when your DD is throwing her tantrums. Is it because she hasn't eaten anything in a while? Did she get a nap that day, or have an unusually "busy" day? Or is she starting to throw her tantrums because she isn't getting "her way"? If that's the case, DO NOT give in to her!
The Love and Logic books/DVD's are GREAT. If you belong to a church that offers parenting classes, I would recommend looking for one that offers this particular course. Another book I recommend is "The 5 Love Languages of Children" by Gary Chapman and Dr. Ross Campbell, MD.
We don't "spoil" our kids with LOVE, just THINGS. :) And, as you can see from all the responses you're getting, you are definitely NOT alone in this!
Hang in there...You WILL get thru this phase!