hi J., unfortunately, teething is like forever. at 6 mos, there is a good chance it is his teeth, the 2 bottom center. i always used infant tylenol when it was really bad, especially at night, the problem with that is that you really dont know how long it is going to take until you can feel them about to push through, and you probably dont want to be giving him medication all the time. i always felt like they were "right there" and would be coming through any day, and sometimes it was weeks longer! you can try putting a clean damp washcloth in the freezer for a while and then letting him chew on that, there are teethers that might help too, some you can also put in the fridge. there are some that vibrate when they bite them, i think first years makes the one we used, it looks like a star, both of my kids liked those. if you want to try the tyleonl, if your doc gives the ok, then i would try to wait until you see them start to push through, that is usually the worst time. once theyre through the gums, he should be fine. until the next ones anyway, its just forever, and so painful for them :( good luck.