I didn't read all of your responses, but I wanted to tell you about a miracle pill.
Its a naturally occuring chemical released by your brain, called Melatonin, and its non adictive, but it knocks me out, in a nice way!
when I am not tired, but I know I have to get up in the morning, I take one 3 mg dose and it makes me tired enough to go to sleep, your daughter needs to try it, they sell it a CVS, and even wal-mart, I think, its in the supliment isle, try it, she won't need it for ever, but try it for a few days, and get her schedule adjusted, and then make her get some excersize during the day, and I bet she'll be tired by evening!
just so you know I'm not usually the type of person to give medication to get someone to sleep, but since this is a natural substance, and non habitforming, I really think it would work out well for your daughter.