You do not need flashcards or anything fancy to teach a baby to talk. The 2 best things you can do are #1 read a book to baby every day and #2 have conversations throughout the day.
Literature is a perfect way to introduce your child to our language. Through books she gets to snuggle up to mommy or daddy, hear your animated voice as it relates to the illustrations, get to interact with the story as you pause and ask her to find something, and get a really great story. Keep lots of books at her reach for her to look at independently.
Flashcards are cold, boring, uninteresting and too rigid (my professional opinion). That isn't to say that I do not have them in my house because I do but I never ever have sat down and given my children a lesson with the flashcards. Instead I allow them to sort, explore and check them out independently as they would any other toy.
Talk to your baby all day long. As you are making breakfast describe what you are doing. As you are driving in the car point out the trees, other cars, trucks, buildings, etc. Play children's music in the car - this will give your baby exposure to rhymes, new vocabulary, and the repition kids crave.
If you can do the above things and let language be a natural part of your every day lives your daughter will develop her language skills well (unless there are learning issues). And remember, language is a natural development that is learned from caregiver's interactions, playing & modelling. Have fun with it!