My daughter has been teaching through it for a little over a month now. Depending on the day she either loves or hates her job. She also cries a lot. Mostly the crying is frustration, not with the job but trying to figure out how to reach the students.
Anyway, I don't think she has been teaching long enough to really have a good feel for it. She is working on her masters in early childhood education and is happy with that and they are paying for that as well. I think what she will be successful in her long term goals thanks to the program, it is just right now is hard.
Eventually she wants to shift to early childhood in at risk schools. She saw how all the programs identified and helped her little brother (who is Autism spectrum) so she wants to make sure these kids don't fall through the cracks.
I don't know, I guess I feel like I am rambling but I know Christine does not regret her decision to go into the program, just it is a bit harder than she thought it would be.
It is a two year commitment by the way.