Tanning and Breastfeeding!! - Tucson,AZ

Updated on January 25, 2011
J.M. asks from Tucson, AZ
14 answers

Hey Mamas!!!!! Just wondering if its okay to go tan even though Im still nursing our sweet one year old??? I would be doing the tanning bed not spray!! Thanks babes!! xoxo

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answers from New York on

Having a friend just diagnosed with skin cancer at age 25 from using tanning beds, I would highly recommend avoiding them. They are very dangerous. Not worth the pretty skin color, especially now that you have a child to take care of.

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answers from Johnstown on

I know way too many people--men included--who have ended up with melanoma because of tanning beds. Save yourself & your loved ones the heartache and be happy being lighter in color or do a sunless tanner rather than the electric beach.

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answers from Boston on

Tanning beds are never safe. Sorry.

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answers from Cleveland on

I would bet you'd be cooking your milk.

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answers from Boston on

A friend of mine did the tanning booth while breast feeding and she said when she was in the booth she started leaking real bad. So Im not really sure how safe it is but just keep that in mind if you decide to do it.

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answers from Minneapolis on

Im sure it is fine for your breasts. It might make your nipples a little more tender. Dont put lotion on them. Who knows what it might do for your supply.
I wish I could show you the scars on my back from all the tanning I did as a younger person, and now have to have a bunch of spots removed because they are cancerous though. I have to go back to the dermatologist too, because I have a bunch more spots that popped up. Not worth it in my eyes. Not to give you a mom lecture, but I wish you would think twice.

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answers from Miami on

Oh, please do not use a tanning bed. I heard a report on GMA about a month ago that you can increase your chance of getting skin cancer 30 + % EACH time you use a tanning bed. 30 + % EACH TIME. Doesn't that scare you? It should! My BIL has scars all over his face, neck and back from skin cancer getting sliced off. He sees a dermatologist every 6 months to have his skin re-checked and so far every time, a new area is discovered with skin cancer. Once the cancer reaches into the deep tissues, it quickly goes to other places and I don't know about you, but this should frighten you with having a young child to be responsible for.

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answers from Dallas on

I use a home UV unit (to treat psoriasis- basically a medical-grade tanning bed) and insurance approved it specifically because it was safe while I am breastfeeding. Without regard to any other health risks, it is not contraindicated while nursing.

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answers from Chicago on

tanning isnt safe in general but it shouldnt affect breastfeeding. if its for a short period of time because you have a wedding or something go for it, but id really reconsider it!

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answers from Minneapolis on

Hi J.,
I am breastfeeding my DD right now and wanting to start tanning again. I fake baked while breastfeeding my son, and the only problem I had was sore nipples because they are sensitive to tanning apparently, so I covered them up! I was born and raised in AZ so I like being tan, I live in MN now so there is no way to get tan without fake baking. Its relaxing especially when its the only alone time you get away from the babies (in my case). And as for the cancer aspect, everything seems to cause cancer, even tanning in the sun.

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answers from Chicago on

You should try the spray tan! I was scared of it at first, but once you try it, you will not want to go back to the beds!! Plus, you wont get leather skin!!!!!



answers from Chicago on

Isn't it like laying in the sun for 10 really hot minutes?



answers from Dallas on

Tanning is not OK to do, even if you're not breastfeeding. It's never OK to do.


answers from Los Angeles on

If you are doing it once or twice, for a special occassion, it's okay-if you do it on a regular basis you are seriously damaging your skin and on the fast track to wrinkles and spots. You can stll breastfeed but have you read about all the nasty bacteria that is found on those beds? E. choli being the most prevalent one. In case you forgot-E. Choli is found in your large intestine-which means there is fecal matter on those beds and they are not cleaned well after people use them.

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