I have had this same problem with my daughter, who just turned 11, and still does not want to talk about that stuff! American Girl has a great book, called "The Care and Keeping of Me". It is a wonderful book all about taking care of yourself, from eaing healthy, to personal hygine, to exercise and of course puberty.
We had to do a quick overview of it one night, because she told me after dinner that they had "the talk" at school coming the next day, and I wanted her to be prepared.
What I did, was let her stay up a little later that usual, and sent the husband off to the basement, so we could have some private girl time. I told her that I felt it was important that we talk about this because I did not want her to hear things at school that she would not understand and be too embarassed to ask about. Then I told her that she did not have to talk at all if she did not want to, but I wanted her to just listen.
I also told her that all girls, including myself are a little afraid and nervous about the changes that happen to us, and it was ok for her to feel uncomfortable about it.
I then read certain sections of the book to her, elaborating when I felt necessary, and asked if she had any questions. I also told her that she could come to me at anytime if she wanted to ask about any of it.
Also, in the book, they talk about womens products, so I took her into the bathroom with me and showed her all the different things and explained how they are used.
It's not any easy talk, but I felt it was a good talk, and although she still does not want to grow up, I feel that she is at least prepared for what is to come.
Hope this helps, and good luck!