I have a 3 and a 1 year old and LOVED our first ear therm. b/c you could silence it and it had a little light so we founf it extra easy to take our sons temp while he was sleeping in the dark. Totally awesome, but it got a scratch on the senser and had to be replaced. Of course, as our luck runs we couldn;t find that one again, so we just have a regular ear therm i believe its by Braun. It doesn't havethe fancy light and what stinks about it is you have to bring it into the light to read the temp. But, we've not had much troouble with getting an accurate reading. i bring it to the dr. with me and I take my sons temp right after they do to make sure mine ins reading correctly. You could always take it with you next trip and have them how you how to use itproperly just so you know you are. I bought the forhead one and those readings are all over the place. that therm is in our box ofr next springs garage sale!