First, I am very sorry for your family's loss. Looks like you were given lots of great, real advice on such a serious issue. I do hope you were able to come to some decision.
What amazes me is how many could relate, some nearly exactly, to your situation. My bro-in-law died tragically when I was living out of state. I got the call that evening while I was literally scrapbooking his picture into an album. I had just been out to visit with my baby girl so I had some pics of him with her. It took me three days to get home and be with my sister. I felt worse those three days than I did attending the memorial.
Death is part of life and your children are old enough to understand enough to respect the event, pay thier respects and ask questions. As some have stated, some things can occur at wakes and funerals that can leave devistating memories. But overall, for most it is an experience we handle well. These days the services tend to focus on the celebration of life rather than the doom and gloom of death. Even with someone taking their own life there is a sense of peace one is able to gain by knowing their loved one's suffering is over.
My brother in law had a wonderful service. Because they belonged to a large family church there were many children there. They all knew him and grew up with his kids 8-13-15. It would have been sad for the kids if their friends were not there to share in this event. Unfortunatly, my neice and nephews have had to share in their tradgedys as well. This is part of being a community. We live and grieve together.
I really hope your kids were able to attend.
On another note, as we have something in common. Your sister needs you. Your husband may be devastated but he needs to be there for her no matter what. Today and tomorrow. Our older sister and her husband had become close to my sister and my deceased bro in law. When he died, my other brother in law could not handle being around my sister any longer. When the holidays came around he refused to come as he could not handle it. It has been 10 years. My sister lost her husband, then her own sister. Another issue which comes up often, is folks promising to be there for her, or be there for her kids. These are promises that are just too hard to keep. People mean well but often times they move on. My bro in laws best friend at the time just happened to comment to my BIL a few days before he died that if anything happened to him, he would be there for the boys. It never happened, not even one phone call, nothing. We know he meant well, but people are only human. I think the tragedy just broke his heart.
Not trying to be a downer, just trying to prepare you for things that can come up. Hopefully you have a good relationship with her. My sis just recently started work for the first time in her life- at 47. She calls me literally every day, it drives me crazy. But I am all she has. I owe it to her, and him, to be there for her. She has cut back on the daily calls, but I have someone to share my day with. Her kids are nearly grown now and I am close to her. She does not need one more person leaving her.
Your life is changed from now on, just as hers is. She will go through the stages of grief differently than you might. She may feel like everyone in town is staring at her. She may feel defensive. She will have to deal with things you hopefully may never have to. But you can be there for her, to listen. Be honest with her and never, never paint a rosy picture when times are hard. Reality has hit her hard and she must work through it or it will take her over. Just be there to keep her going straight.
My son was not even thought of when my BIL died. But I talk about his uncle all of the time. My son actually has his name, not intentionally though. It is actually another version of the name. I think it is kind of cool. Although he has passed, he was real and when we go through the photo album I never want them to not know his name and what he was to their cousins.
Enough rambling. Actually, this is therapy for me. It has been 10 years, 11 days. It still seems like yesterday.