Aaaaw, I LOVE your post, I feel the same way.
Today at the grocery store, the guy in line behind me had several cases of 4 or 5 different kinds of beer, and that's it, no toilet paper or anything!
So I had to say.....'In-laws coming for the weekend?' tehehe, everyone within earshot giggled. Even those with that wildeyed "OMG I have so much to do I can't BELIEVE how many coupons this woman has, why can't they open another register, I will NEVER get it all done at this rate, ACCKK! look on their faces.
When the kids were younger it was hectic, but it was just NICE. Now the youngest is 14, there is just not that much for me to do.
I will have 4 teenagers in the house for a month (2 normally away at school, and one of those not even mine, my oldest's longterm GF), I've been fussing and getting ready and REALLY looking forward to everyone being home.
I do get a teeny bit stressed wishing I could spend more money, but I've got enough kid Christmases behind me to know it just doesn't matter. They love everything, they're happy, we're a lucky family.
I'm also deeply religious, so that ALONE is enough for me to feel good about putting 5 bucks in the SA pot for the third time this week.
So Merry Christmas to you all, even the short tempered grouchy ones!