From my experience in a middle school for nine years and my experience with my own children for the past six years, I can say that tv is probably enemy number one when it comes to your children.
From the experience of several parents I've known over the years and my own experience this is what happened when the television was eliminated from the home.
1.) Behavior improved greatly. Maybe it was because they didn't see so much bad behavior to emulate. Maybe it was because they spent more time listening to their parents as opposed to the characters on their favorite shows.
2.) Grades improved. More time to do homework, study, read, and concentrate on hobbies and projects makes for a much smarter, well balanced child. It promotes creativity because they aren't flooded with visual images that don't require them to think. Television rots the brain of our children and us for that matter. It really tells us how to think, what to buy, what to feel, and how to complain.
3.) Kids became more appreciative. Maybe because they weren't watching 500 commercials an hour to tell them what they should ask for, what cereal to bug you about, and so on. My kids love what they get for Christmas. They didn't know what to ask for so what we got them was fantastic. We spent $200 all together on our three kids and they were thrilled. That's all we had and that's what we spent.
4.) Kids want to play outside more when there is no television. Kids tend to be leaner and more fit when there is no television.
My husband and I disconnected the cable when he was laid off for six months back in 2002. After we got use to not having it, we realized we accomplished 10x more around the house and spent way more time with our family. Then after not having it for so long, we began to notice more and more of the garbage that is on television. We now notice all the inappropriate messages that television sneaks into everything even the commercials. I don't need television telling my kids that it's fine to have sex with anyone you want when you feel like it. I don't need them telling my kids that my kids that if they aren't sexy, they aren't pretty.
One last thought to ponder:
If television and what we watch didn't have a profound impact on what we think, buy, and do...then why do companies, politicians, and organizations spend millions in ads? Because they do influence us and our children whether we want to accept that fact or not.
Your biggest hurdle will be telling yourself that you have far better things to do besides watching television.
Get rid of the boob tube and everything else will be easier.