Swollen Belly

Updated on July 19, 2008
C.G. asks from Riverside, CA
8 answers

hi you all! i had a hysterectomy last March 2008... leaving the ovaries in. i am 39 yrs old, 4 foot ten and weight 109 lbs (i should be about 100-105) just when i was getting better and belly was going down until i started working out about a month ago by doing sit ups, walking and running... i gained more weight than losing! what's worse is that my belly looks swollen and i feel "full" even when i havent eat anything. i am not constipating, in case youre wondering....... i feel a little pain and discomfort... kinda like muscle pain but feels unusual though like a "full" feeling.

did i over do myself or just should i do some walking without sit ups and running for the time being? is this normal?

advices are much appreciated!


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answers from San Diego on

Hi C., Did you consult your doctor about how soon after surgery you could work out? honestly, I think the one that could give you the best advice would be your doctor, in the mean time if you can walk without discomfort, continue that, but but anything to do with working your belly, I would check with your doctor. i pray for to be great for you and your family. J.



answers from Los Angeles on

could be infection or something, better see the doc



answers from Los Angeles on

I agree with the other posters who said you should go see your doctor. You can never go wrong with asking the doctor for advice if you feel your body is doing something different or weird.

That being said, I had a partial hysterectomy in July of 2006. I weighed about 125, maybe 130 when the surgery was done. The doctor said to wait 8 weeks to work out after surgery. I didn't listen, busted my stitches and almost died in the hospital. But, that's another story...

Now, I weigh close to 150. I have a particularly protruded stomach, and several people have asked me if I'm pregnant, because I look about 4 to 5 months pregnant. I work out 3-5 days a week, and I concentrate on ab exercises.

I eat less than I ever have, and I've been making sure to add fruits, vegetables and fiber to my diet. When I complained to the doctor, she said, "Some people just gain weight after they have a hysterectomy. We don't know why."

I eat small portions and feel over full, almost sick when I finish. Food is not enjoyable anymore, and the exercise is just starting to frustrate me.

If you find out what is going on with your abdomen, I hope it can be reversed. I'm so frustrated with mine right now. I don't regret the surgery, as it was medically necessary when it happened, but I have never looked like this before in my life.

Good luck with your problem. I wish I could give you a solution, but if nothing else, please know you are not the only one going through the frustrations.



answers from Santa Barbara on

Hello there,
I had a total hysterectomy in the summer 05. There is a great website, www.HysterSisters.com which I think you will find very helpful and reassuring. There are lots of women who've had hysterectomies for lots of different reasons. I think that you will find that the information there is very helpful and I still get surgery anniversary notes and encouraging words from the website and from others with whom I made connections because they were experiencing the same things I was.

I encourage you to check it out and because of the specific nature of the site, you will find answers.

good luck, S.



answers from Honolulu on

i don't mean to alarm you but go to the doctor to rule out ovarian cancer. This was one of the key symptoms my girlfriend had. Her belly was so swollen that we thought she was having another baby all over again...and it wasn't just a small pooch. It was a considerable ball-like swell on her abdomen. Please check it out because once she was diagnosed, before treatment, her tumor erupted and it was only a matter of time that saved her life. please check it out.

I hope it's not. good luck.



answers from San Diego on

I would see the doctor again for a checkup to be sure nothing is wrong. Everything may be OK but it is a bit concerning if you are feeling swollen.



answers from Los Angeles on

It May not be related, I had a swollen stomach and the feeling that I was full all the time and I thought it was very uncomfortable( I could only eat very small amounts at a time) and it felt like rocks were in my stomach, sometimes it hurt to walk.

I had a colonoscopy and a GED(tube down the throat) where they found I had a very inflammed stomach lining and H-pylori. Prilosec did not help so they put me on this 14 day med course to knock out the H-pylori and I feel so much better(it took about 2 weeks after the meds to start to feel better and the meds are hard to do(18 pills a day) but it was worth it.

I would get it looked into if it continues. By the way I had a hysterectomy with my ovaries left in, in March of 05 and this just happened to me Jan of 08 so it is not related.



answers from Reno on

I would check with your doctor.

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