Swearing and Using Inappropriate Language ...can't Contol it....PANDAS

Updated on May 28, 2012
R.M. asks from Cedar Park, TX
5 answers

Does anyone have a child that uses inappropriate language constanly? My son does this and says he can't stop..he has a PANDAS diagnosis. I just want to know that we are not alone. How do you manage as a family? What medicine works? Help!

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answers from Orlando on

My son had testing done to rule out PANDAS and he didn't have it. He was diagnosed with early onset bipolar, his dr said if he would have been positive for PANDAS he would have still taken the same meds he takes now anyways. Which is zyprexa and Abilify. I would contact a pyschiatrist and ask them how they would treat it.
I should clarify he's was diagnosed with the bipolar before we tested for PANDAS, we wanted to be positive his diagnoses were correct.

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answers from Charlotte on

I was under the impression that they kept having to give antibiotics, which of course, is something that can't be done continually.

It sounds like you need to find a PANDA's support group. The people in the group will have walked the road before and have a lot of knowledge to share.

So sorry, Mom.

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answers from Cleveland on

When i worked in a day care we tried to get the child saying inapporpriate words to subsitute another silly word instead, so instead of saying S-H*-T to say shock absorbers Or Duck!Honk Honk not sure if that would he lpyou much or not.

I have heard of PANDAs but don't know much about treatment.

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answers from Portland on

When I googled PANDAS, Wikipedia said that a child with this disorder should be on psych medication and in therapy. The child actually has behavior disorders. If this is the case with your son, have you asked his therapist for suggestions?

How old is your son? I suggest that methods used with children without PANDAS may work with your son. His age may make a difference in how to treat it.

If you haven't had a psych evaluation, I recommend that you do so now. Behavior issues need to be treated as early as possible. I believe there is a syndrome that causes the use of inappropriate language that is similar to Tourette's.

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answers from Phoenix on

Have you researched some websites that will connect you with other families ? www.pandas-syndrome.webs.com or pandasnetwork.org

Best of luck too you...this is a new dignosic that I have not heard of before. I am not sure if the websites will link you, but doing a search may help you also find them or others.

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