My daughter is having her second surgery on the 31st. We have an outstanding Dr. here at our Childrens Hospital in Knoxville. My daughters first surgery was to detach a muscle in each eye to stop the upward pull. We were hoping that afterwards the slight side to side movement would correct itself. We put her glasses back on and patched also. No such luck. I was so disapointed that she has to have another one, but I'm glad Dr. Gitchlag is proactive and wants to correct it before any permanent damage is done. (the strabismus was found at 18m and she will be 3 in a week and a half)
When she came out of surgery (Jan. 29th, 2011) she wanted to rub her eyes and she cried a lot. The stitches felt like something in her eye. The next day we did a lot of reminding that she couldn't rub her eyes. She would pat her cheeks and temples and say "oowwee" but by the next day most of the discomfort seemed to be gone. She did say,"Mommy, my eyes are broken" and it about broke my heart. We told her that, no, her eyes were being fixed. Her stumbling and falling was hugely improved with the first surgery. She had been seeing double and it really messed with her depth perception.
I'm stressed about this next surgery, because Dr. G is going to detach a muscle in each eye and re-attach it in a different place to correct the rest of the misalignment. I hate that she will have to go through it again and have to stay out of the pool and sand box for two weeks afterward, right at the beginning of summer.
I'm surprised your Dr. has waited this long. We had immediate results (as soon as she opened her eyes)
Feel free to PM me if you have any questions or worries or just want to talk about it. I have asked questions about this on this sight and also about how to make DD wear her glasses when she was 18 months, etc.