How about something with a little more meaning to life.
Love thy neighbor
This is an idea that I think others could build on : ) It is not what you know but how you use the information that you know. This approach has worked very well for my kids. My 6 yr son is in the gifted and talented program and my 4 yr daughter says amazingly profound things. And all three of my children have amazing compassion and how much better off our world will be when more people master that simple concept, something not so readily taught in school yet.
Often my kids will show interest in something and I will try to expand upon that. Just a couple of days ago my sweet little guy grabbed one of his blackberries and proceeded to plant it in one of my random containers in the back yard. He is very excited to see it grow God bless his heart but it was not the right soil or conditions for it to grow in. So, I gave it some time to see if anything would sprout but as I thought nothing came. So we have to sit down with some art now and discuss how a plant needs a good foundation to start to grow and how this applies to life and of course there are beautiful Biblical parables related to growth and foundation. After our conversation I thought about planting something from seed or buying a berry plant that is already started.
Usually I like to plan to do things and then identify a virtue that can be taken home and focus on that. However, it may easier to focus on the virtues and then plan something accordingly : )