Dear K.,
I have three sons.
The oldest is born in June and was a premie. I held him back for a number of reasons, partly because he was very small...was still the smallest boy in the class when he started at 6 years old.
The second was a July birthday and although he was borderline, I did not hold him back because I was pregnant with my third. I regret that. Although he was only slightly smaller, teachers often told me if he was more mature he would be a good leader...took a while to mature
and I think socially he would have done better, but academically he did fine.
My third son has an August birthday. He was held back because he still could not hold a pencil correctly and held it in a fist...I felt the push for writing in the now K would not be good for him.
Your daughter is that is an advantage. If you are ever going to hold back, keeping them in preschool is the best year because nobody really is aware of it and the child has not had to struggle and feel dumb. I did not regret holding my two sons back. They both did very well and never had academic problems. I personally had to stay back in 5th grade and that was hard. I think I would probably put her in the pre-K. Two families at church did that with their daughters and they are both trememdously pleased that they did because they are now doing so well in 1st.
God's blessing on your family and in your decision.