Suggestions for Painting Kitchen Cabinets

Updated on September 24, 2007
J.P. asks from Skokie, IL
5 answers

Hi Moms,

My kitchen cabinets are painted off white and some of the paint has chipped off. The previous owners painted them. I hope to re-do the entire kitchen in a few years, but until then I need to make the cabinets look decent. What would you suggest that I do with my cabinets? I would be doing this myself, and I don't want it to turn into a really big project since I will hopefully get a new cabinets in 3 or 4 years. The only thing I have colorful in the room is valance with flowers on it. (White appliances, white countertop, white walls.... WHITE everywhere!) Has anyone painted their cabinets a color other than white and it turned out nice?
I thought of painting the cabinets a soft green or creamy light peach, but my mom gave me the thumbs down.
That's her opinion.... what's yours?
Thanks for your time.


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answers from Chicago on

I had a really old kitchen at my old house, and always wanted the white cabinets, etc... Instead of doing it ourselves, we hired Tom & Rae Dunlap, Kitchen Tuneup at ###-###-#### or had a professional paint the cabinet boxes, and then we ordered all new white cabinet doors. They did all the installation, measuring, etc... They were awesome. It may be a little pricer than doing it yourself, but well worth it. Plus, it helped to sell our house. I think we spent almost $5,000 and that included the new countertops, and it probably added $15,000 to the price of our house. When we had open houses, everyone commented about the new kitchen, when in reality it was our old one with new cabinet doors. They were more affordable than the home depot or Sears refacing service, and theire customer service was outstanding. They will work within your budget, and not try to oversell you.

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answers from Chicago on

Try going on the HGTV website. Designed to Sell always paints/stains kitchen cabinets. Good luck.

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answers from Chicago on

I am in the same boat and I am so glad I didn't replace my cabinets.. with all the baby-proofing, I would be upset putting holes in my new cabinets.. once our baby (hopefully babies) are grown up we will redo the kitchen entirely.

Anway, I did paint my cabinets red. The color was Barn Red by Dutchboy Paint. The walls are yellow but I wish sometimes I painted them in tan. I do like how they came out. We also changed the hardware. We used a matte paint so that they didn't look painted but we do have to wipe them down a lot of the time. I get compliments on them all the time and the paint has not chipped yet.

You really need to take your time. We didn't sand them... we just used a zissner primer (not sure which one) and painted over them. Leave a lot of drying time inbetween coats.. I would allow at least 3 days for a diy project, maybe more.

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or want me to send pics.

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answers from Chicago on

I have the same problem. I think I'm just going to re-paint mine white. Would black work with your kitchen? What about staining them? I think a fresh coat of paint would really make them look good, and add some new hardware?

Good luck!

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answers from Chicago on

It depends on what design if any is on the cabinet door.If there is a raised or indented shape maybe paint that the accent color you would like on that shape but paint the base white. Just a thought.

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