M., My son used to stutter quite a bit so we took him to albuquerque speech, language, and hearing I believe. They did some test and recommended us to come back and get him hooked up with a speech pathologist, which was going to cost $100 for 50 mins, they also told us that most kids grow out of it and it's very common in kids around the age of 3. we noticed our son stuttering pretty much the minuet he started really talking but we put him in preschool this year and he is so much better. I think they may just get too excited and their brain is thinking so much there mouth can't keep up with it. I dont know that is just my opinion. I don't know what type on insurance you have but there is a really fine line with what they will cover. Also this place is non-profit so you would have to put up $250 at the time of appointment, you should get that back but we are still waiting for ours and our son was seen in April. Anyway they also say not to tell him to slow down when he is talking or interupt him to tell him to think about it or anything. They say it teaches them to interupt people and it just gets them more tangle in there words. HOpe I helped a little.