W.---I think your instincts are right on. Why would you give medicines to a baby when he doesn't show any signs of distress? Besides, none of these meds have ever been tested on babies. I think the medical community is making a huge mistake jumping on the reflux bandwagon. There are many options for relief that do not have the side-effects and dire consequences of reducing the strength of stomach acids.
First, to be more direct in answering you concerns. Your little guy will tell what he needs. It sounds like he is getting it or he'd be showing more distress. He may not need much food right now but may need more in the future as he undergoes a growth spurt. FIND A NEW DOCTOR.
Back to the reflux issue. There are many healthcare professionals who believe that we are on the wrong track for the millions of people suffering from acid reflux. Stomach acids are essential for the digestion process, breaking down food so that it is more easily absorbed in the intestines. Antacids interfere with this process, such that people who use them regularly will be suffering from malnutrition sooner than later. As time goes on, their risk for other diseases increase as their bodies are starved for the nutrition necessary to function properly.
These researchers feel that most people are suffering from a lack of adequate amounts of stomach acids. The dynamics of how this works is fairly detailed, and if anyone wants additional info on this subject, they should feel free to contact me.
Bottom line...you are right and the doc is not. Keep an eye on him and as long as he shows regular growth, I'm sure that he's fine. One quick resource to check, www.AskDrSears.com. If he doesn't have anything posted on the subject, I'm sure there is a place where you could share your experience and ask him this same question. Good luck. D.