When I was twelve years old, I got a cold. Then I got what looked like a small water blister on the skin between my mouth and nose, what my parents thought was because of my constantly runny nose. The blister broke, and that area of skin got caked, dry, cracked--and "the rash" kept spreading. Finally, my nose was plugged up tight and I could barely close my mouth because the skin between my mouth and nose was so tight. Mom finally took me to the doctor, and he just about shot her. Seems I had contacted a really, really bad strep or bacteria or virus or something that, that if it had gone through my nose and into my brain, would have killed me. I was on some very strong antibiotics and salve for a couple months.
Just a note that if the Vaselin doesn't seem to be cutting it and the rash/soreness doesn't go away and/or gets worse to make sure you get in to see someone again. You definitely don't want it being whatever it is that I had.