That sounds really mentioned before, treatments usually last 10 days, except zithromax, which is just 5 days, so how much time was the doctor waiting before changing antibiotics? You've got to give them a chance to work, so unless the baby was still ahviong fever or drainage from the ears or something, it seems unlikley they would have had to change the antibiotics so many times, without probably even completing one full course with one. Is the baby actually feeling/acting/looking sick? Where are the cultures taken from, the throat? or is it just a rapid strep test? They might be false positives, or the baby might just be a carrier. There is a blood test called ASO that can be done to check for titers related to strep. It is very uncommon for children under 2 to get strep in their throats, and the ear infections are mostly from a different kind of strep, but are moslty covered by the prevnar shots they get at 2,4, 6, and then a booster at 12-18 months...I would definitely get a second opinion from another pediatrician, if indeed you have a long wait before being able to go see an ENT.