I went thru the same thing last year for my honeymoon. I also had the same iud. I started using the nuva ring and it just made me spot every day. when i finally called the doc maybe a week before my honeymoon, she prescribed me an additional birth control pill to take with the ring, and i think that for the few blood free days i might have had, the hormones flooding my system made me even more miserable. i would consider getting those menstruation cups, it works like a diaphragm and collects fluid inside of your body for up to 12 hours. it takes practice using and is too messy to change in a public bathroom, but it will keep you blood free during intercourse if you insert it properly. your hubby will probably feel it too. OR you could get an actual diaphragm and use it instead. i wouldn't mess with the hoemones, i think that in conjunction with the iud, it makes it worse, my obgyn told me that after my experience she probably won't give the ring to any more patients with an iud. good luck.- lace