I stopped nursing my oldest daughter (who's now almost 2) around 10 months b/c I was pregnant with my second, and my 2nd (who's now 1 today) at 11 months b/c of a medication I had to be on. Both weaned much better than I thought they would! I cut out the nap time feedings first (or any during the day), then did night time and mornings were last b/c they seemed to be their favorite. One thing I had to do was not to put them in bed with me while we were going through the process and just tried to set a different night time routine, so she wouldn't think she was getting it. Also, I let a couple of weeks go before I cut another feeding out, or until she was used to it. It's just going to be harder for some babies, and you may have to divert her attention every time she asks for it (maybe offer a sippy cup of milk) or puts her hand down your shirt, etc. How old is she?