Hi. I have three stepsons ages 8,14,15. My Husband and I have been married for four years but never really had to deal with the kids being jealous because we lived in Germany until this July. We had all of the kids all summer and the 8 year old really put a toll on our marriage. He was hateful, not listening, picking fights with my 5 year old daughter, and just being unbearable except when his Dad was around. I told my Husband EXACTLY what was going on and how I was feeling. I told him that it was not fair for me to be going through it and he needed to put his foot down. If he didn't then all he was doing was enabling his son to continue to disrespect me and it would only get worse as he got older. I had to tell my Husband that if he was going to continue to let this happen then I would have to leave until he was gone for the summer because it was not fair for me to have to try to be the bad guy. I was also really worried because the son was actually supposed to live with us, but his mother backed out at the last minute. I also had to get really tough on the son too and take things like the gameboy and other treasured items away. I made him sit in his room with absolutely nothing to do and if he wanted to pout about it then I told him to do it where nobody had to look at him being ugly. His Father also started getting onto him. You really need your Husband's support and for him to put his foot down. I would also talk to your Mother n Law and tell her how you feel and ask for her advice. Maybe she could even talk to the kids in some way that wouldn't let on like you had told her. I know teenagers can be difficult too. Luckily I get along well with the 15 year old that lives with us. Sometimes he gets an attitude like he doesn't have to listen to me and follow my rules too, but again my Husband steps in and starts setting the law down when I tell him what is going on. If their dad isn't going to do that then he is basically telling them that what they are doing is ok. I hope this helps. Good Luck. Blending families is hard work and takes effort from everybody involved.