Does anyone know where I can get 3 discounted/coupons for the State Fair for a Monday?
Thank you all for your help. Heather sent me a ticket and thank you to all who also offered to send student tickets. You all are great!
McDonald's has coupons -- one free child with purchase of one adult, then also $4 off adult.
I know you can purchase discount tickets at Kroger. Also, I was told that tomorrow only (10/13/09) if you take in a Dr. Pepper can you will get in for $4 and some of the rides will be half price, in case you change your date.
McDonald's has $4 off coupons at their restaurants, good for any day. You can also purchase advance tickets at a discount from any Kroger.
Hi C., how are you today? Some fairs usually offer discounts so go to your fair website and call to see if they have any discounts available. Hope this helps.
I have a free ticket from my son's school and you are welcome to it. I would rather someone use it than just throw it away. Email me privately if you are interested and we can work out the easiest way to get it to you.
I think it is only good for Monday the 12th.
Hi C.. I have two student tickets you can have, but they are for a Sunday only. Due to religous reasons we cannot use them.
I have a student ticket up for's free admission for one student aged kiddo, M-F. We've already gone to the Fair, so we won't be using it. I can pop it in the mail to you today if you want to pm me your address. :-)