I did home daycare for a while and all I needed do was give my SSN and, at the end of the year, provided parents w/ dates of service. They received weekly paid receipts from me as well, but the list of dates always helps during tax time. Stay organized using your computer -- either create your own receipts file or use Quicken, it's great. The tax breaks for having your in-home business are A W E S O M E. !!! I'd also advise keeping records of the groceries you buy for your daycare, mileage is also recommended, any home improvements made for the daycare (you can include new windows, doors, other improvements, am sure you can find a list on internet). It's really beneficial to do it above-board and to file taxes on the business, and made me and the parents more comfortable doing it that way. You will also have to check w/ your homeowners ins. re: liability, the premium for the home business is also write-offable on taxes, you will get some of that back. GOod luck!