What is the best way to clean the inside of a washer?
I take hot soapy water & pour it into the bleach dispenser. Then you can wash out around the washer rim with a scrub brush &/or a washcloth. Run your washer through a cycle of the hottest, longest cycle, NO CLOTHES. And it will be sparkling clean.
What is the best way to clean aluminum blinds?
Take them off if possible, Put a bit of laundry soap or dish soap in a tub full of hot water. Let blinds soak. Wash blinds with a scrub brush & rinse. Repeat if necessary. Hang to dry. If the satins are really stubborn you can try ammonia, just be careful as the fumes can really overcome you. It is best to do this outside in a tub rather than inside.
Is there a safe way to bring the color back into the fabric? If you have tried color safe bleach it may be a lost cause. Yellowing is oxidation & is very hard to get rid of. Maybe keep an eye out for a replacement or check on ebay for the same item.
Hope this helps, G.