Hi Khanhly:
Spotting in the first trimester is not uncommon, but I would still tell my doctor about it. They may want to check an ultrasound.
I'm 13 weeks. Hang in there!
I have a little spotting this morning and I'm only two months pregnant. Is this normal or should I go check it out? I thought I'd heard that it's "normal"...is this so?
Please advise if you know anything about this.
Thanks you all so much for the adivice. As the spotting was so LIGHT yesterday and didn't occur again today, I'm thinking my baby is probably fine so probably won't need to call the doctor. I think it was just from stress or from carrying my four years old around.
Again...thank you so much for your quick responses to my questions.
Hi Khanhly:
Spotting in the first trimester is not uncommon, but I would still tell my doctor about it. They may want to check an ultrasound.
I'm 13 weeks. Hang in there!
Look, I don't want to freak you out, but please listen to the other posters' advice to call your doctor. I was pregnant last summer. I spotted a bit around 5 or 6 weeks. A few days before, I had really intense cramping that went away. I went into Urgent Care, and they told me it was pretty normal and that everything seemed fine. At 8 weeks, my ectopic pregnancy burst out of my fallopian tube and I needed emergency surgery. I'm not going to go into the intense pain, the intense sadness, any of that. Just go to your doctor and ask for an ultrasound. I'm sure you're fine, but please play it safe. I wouldn't wish my experience on anyone.
Normal if the blood is tinged pink or brown. If it becomes red then it is a likely miscarriage. If you have a fibroid it doesn't mean you won't have a full term baby. I did and so did one of my daughters. Fibroids are one reason for spotting during pregnancy.
If it is near your normal time of ovulation or your period do not worry.
NO question, I hope you've already gotten checked out.
I had spotting at 13 weeks with my 1st pregnancy. Everything was fine, but I would definitely go see your Dr.
i had it around the same too, but you need to talk to the dr. they may want to check you via ultrasound. everything turned out fine for me - wishing you the best!
Spotting can be normal, but very often is of concern and ought to be checked out.
I would at the very least call your provider.
Best of luck,
T. Nelson CD (DONA)
Ok, I might need to be a little frank when giving you my story. I was pregnant with twins. I spotted at 5 weeks, then again around 4 months, and then again around 6 months. I went to the doctor each time. It ended up everything was fine, and yes, did they say this can be normal. I went to my doctor each time and everything was fine. We pretty much came to the conclusion that it was from having sex. Sometimes if we would have sex then it would take a day or two for the spotting to show up. Lets just say after the 6 month visit. I was not having sex anymore. I couldn't take the pressure and concern everytime I started spotting. My twins where my first so I was a little freaked out, plus I was high risk. After stopping the sex then everything was smooth sailing. Well, for me anyways, my poor husband. I felt bad for him because I had a c-section and it took me about 8 weeks to heal. He didn't complain one time. Luv him. Anyway, just call your doctor I am sure it won't be a big deal, but if this keeps happening you might start keeping track of when you had sex to see if there is any connection. Hugs!
You should double check with your Dr. but I had spotting throughout my pregnancy and it was never a big deal. If I hadn't been told by my Dr it was okay, I would have been a nervous wreck.
Good luck!
Call your Doctor.