Totally normal, you are loosing the mucous plug. Just means you are getting closer to delivery. CONGRATS!
Ok so at 33 weeks I went into labor and they stopped it. Now I am 36 weeks. Yesterday I went to the hospital because I was having contractions. I went and they did an exam and I am 2cm 60% effaced. They said I wasn't progressing and sent me home (which is good b/c I really don't want to have the baby early) I came home and went to bed. I got up at 5 this morning and went to the bathroom (everything was fine) then at 9 this morning I went again and I had a lot of brown spotting in my panties. I assumed it was from them checking me yesterday and went on about my day (they told
Me not to come back unless I'm bleeding like a period which its not that heavy) then I went to the bathroom again and this time there is (I have no other way to describe it) stringy blood (almost like when you have a clot when you are on your period) has anyone ever had this happen? This is my fourth child and I have never had any type of bleeding from an exam. My next drs appointment is Friday so I will bring it up then but I wanted to see if any of you ladies have ever had this happen. Let me also add that maybe it's part of my mucus plug and the brown discharge is from the exam?
Ok i went to the doctor today. And she checked me out and I am 3cm and 70% effaced. She had me make an appointment for next week but she said she would be surprised if I make it the long. She said the baby is a good size and she sees no reason why I should be worried about having the baby at 36 weeks. She also confirmed that the spotting was infact bloody show. She told me to take a nice long walk today and when contractions start 6 mins apart head straight to the hospital. So now I wait and see wha happens. I know I could go in labor any time or even weeks from now:)
Totally normal, you are loosing the mucous plug. Just means you are getting closer to delivery. CONGRATS!
I have 4 children also and I will say each labor was different. i did have quite a bit of spotting after an exam with my second. And my first was born at 36 weeks. he was totally fine- I was totally unprepared! I would say wait, as long as you feel the baby moving and its just spotting.. Congrats!
I would go to the hospital-I had a couple of false alarms-it's better to get checked out!
It was probably the mucus plug and you should talk to your doctor. But my mom lost her mucus plug then went 6 more weeks to have a full term 8 lb baby. If you are 36 weeks already you will be considered full term at the end of this week. I was born at 37 weeks and had no health issues except being a little smaller (almost 6 lbs). I would not worry about health issues at this stage at all since you are nearly full term now.
Yep, sounds like the mucus plug, but you should call your OBGYN just to be safe.
I would call the doctor's office. Like, now!!
I had this with my daughter, and it was the mucus plug. I had this happen about a week or so before she was born, but she was born very, very quickly when I finally did go into labor (less than an hour from the onset of active labor till she was born). With our next child, I had a little bit of this type of discharge followed by bright red bleeding, but no sign of active labor. We went on to the hospital and since our daughter was born so quickly, they went ahead and admitted us. But, it still took about four hours before he was born. This is the long way of saying, it could take some time yet (days or weeks) or it could be quicker; either way, this kind of thing will be a bigger deal to you than it will be to the ob's office unless it is accompanied by other signs of labor.
I think I would call my ob-gyn and ask them.