Both of my children were the same way and my daughter was diagnosed at about 6 months with acid reflux and was on prescribtion Zantac for about a year and then we were able to slowly remove her from it, now we just watch what she eats. My son how ever had a mild case of it and did not need to have any medication just Enfamil with AR.(A formula for children that spit up a lot.)_Till recently when we switched him to whole milk and he stopped wanting to eat and it went on for three weeks. He would eat something have some milk get sick and throw it all up and then not want to eat again. When I took him we actually found out that the three weeks was the first three weeks of new milk and is now on 100% Lactose free milk which is $3 for a halk gallon and takes prevacid tablets to calm his stomach ( for just 30 days). I would have never thought about him having a lactose problem problem but was very happy to take him in and get the problem under control. I am not one to be big on giving a bunch of medications but when it comes to them not being able to eat with out it medication really works. I hope this helps. I would call and speak to the doctor.