It's tongue-in-cheek humour, but my one of my fest friends, who's my son's Godfather, got me a plaque when my son was born. I follow it pretty close to the letter, with a few amendments:
Mom's Rules:
If I COOK it--------------------You EAT it. Amended to try a bite first always, and then tell me exactly why you do not like it, so we can make it different next time. Play games with me regarding food, and you will sit there until your plate is empty--this has happened only once in four years.
If I BUY it-----------------------You WEAR it. Because remember, YOU ASKED FOR IT. If it's not popular in one month, it's NOT MY FAULT. Remember this the next time you want a t-shirt. Since the last time this happened, he's only asked for sensible polo's, sweaters, and jeans. His unpopular shirts ARE WORN in PUBLIC on art days, where less popular clothes are acceptable.
If I WASH it--------------------You PUT IT AWAY. Or I will not help you find it when you want it. No, not even for Picture Day.
If I CLEAN it-------------------You KEEP IT CLEAN. Or I'll hand you the washrag and soap to clean it back up. Yes, I WILL make your friends help you when they help mess it up, and even politely call their parents and say so.
If I say BEDTIME-------------You say GOODNIGHT MOM. Or your bedtime is 30 minutes earlier tomorrow. If you get this punishment three days in a row, it's permanently this bedtime until further notice, and no, I don't care if your friends and Grandpa find out.
If I say OFF THE PHONE--You HANG IT UP. I've not had this one yet, thank the Lord! He's only seven.
If I say NO---------------------You DON'T ASK WHY. I only explain why I said no ONCE. If you continue to ask, I will be admiring something else while you pitch a fit in your room.
Because I'M THE MOM!
The amendments are unspoken. The plaque is in a prominent place of sight.
The common sense rules are memorised.
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
If you have nothing nice to say, DO NOT SAY IT.
Don't give up--ask for help first.
Encourage others as needed, it goes a long way in making everyone feel welcome.
Do your best always, and I will always be proud of you.
Do be honest, I know when you are not, and will let you know.
Well spoken words are the most powerful weapon. Take care in how you wield them.
Respect goes both ways, I am aware, there are some times it's unkind to share.