I'm in the hospital constantly, and I'm almost never sick. I also wash my hands until they bleed. :)
Just wash your hands a lot, not just with the hand santitizer, but with plain old soap and water, too. Definitely shower when you get home, and if you can, leave the shoes you wore to the hospital outside - otherwise you track those hospital germs (and those from the floor, too - yuck!) all over your floors/carpet.
Drink plenty of water (drinks with caffiene don't count as fluid intake), and sleep. Your body needs water and rest to heal.
Everything else is just extras - hand washing is essential. Rest and Water are essentials.
I wouldn't worry too much about MRSA, either. MRSA is pretty common everywhere in the community - you're probably not exposed any more to it in the hospital (even with your father actually having an MRSA infection) than you are out in the community.
I know that I, and probably all my co-workers, are probably already colonized with MRSA. :)
Good luck - best wishes for your father.