Speech Question in 20 Month Old

Updated on December 15, 2012
L.M. asks from Jamaica, NY
12 answers

Hi mothers out there! I'm new to this site, my sister in law told me bout it. Anyway to my question.

My child says a lot of words, hasnt started to put them together yet, but I think he's doing pretty well.

The question is, is it normal to label everything? Meaning, he just learned to say door, he will go to the door and say "door" or he'll point at a book and say "book" etc. he just learned booboo too. He saw a cut on my leg and says booboo!


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answers from Dallas on

Oh yes, he will label everything, repeat it a bunch and you should too! I talk to my 2 yr old DD all the time when we are together. I label everything and talk to her about what we see and she now talks back and even adds to the conversation. Just today her day care teachers said she knows the word observation, and I believe it because I have been saying that word over the past 2 weeks or so to her. She doesnt know what it means, but still it is introducing her to new words and how to say things. Please read to him every day and talk to him the whole time too! Sounds like he is right on track!!

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answers from Detroit on

Mine is that age and says nothing. Mama, perhaps. Ball, I've heard. Not a lot else. Yours is doing great!

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answers from Minneapolis on

Sounds like he's doing great. He'll eventually start repeating "What's that?" for everything new he sees. The repetition is how they learn and commit to memory. Enjoy!

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answers from Detroit on

He is fine.. read read read to your child every day..

The best way to predict how well a child will do in school.... is the childs vocabulary when they enter kindergarten..so read to him talk to him.. take him to story time at the library.

you are the first and the most important teacher he will ever have.

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answers from Kansas City on

Yes, that is great! Encourage it! Narrate everything you do and read lots of books and you'll see even more progress soon!

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answers from Dallas on

Normal. Read to him, expose him to new words and concepts. Enjoy him.
Ask him what's this? That will likly be his first sentence.

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answers from New London on

At that age you will want him to have a handful of words, understand simple commands and get lots of playtime in.

A few times during the day, ask him a question. Hold up 2 cups and ask him if he'd like the blue cup or the red cup. If he says red, then, elaborate..."You chose the red cup. I am going to pour the water in your red cup."

Sometimes boys talk a tad later because they are very physical. Gross motor skills are very important for development, too!

Read simple books to him, recite nursery rhymes, sing, play and narrate what you are doing throughout the day. These activities "teach" language.

Take him to a local library to hear stories and parallel play with other kids his age.

I had a few friends who spoke another language in addition to English. All of these children spoke later because they were "absorbing" 2 languages during their baby and toddler yrs.

It's great that he can label items, etc...You can elaborate by saying, "Mom fell down and hurt her knee. You're right. That is the boo boo."

In a couple of months, he will be putting words together. If you have any concerns, check w/ your pediatrician at the 2 yr check-up.

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answers from Miami on

Yes, very normal. Quite wonderful, actually. Smart kiddo!


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answers from Dallas on

Absolutely!! Sounds like he's on the right track!

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answers from Austin on

He is a sponge for words.. Continue to talk and describe everything.. He will be repeating everything.

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answers from Eau Claire on

Yep, he's figuring it all out and just looking for your approval that's he doing a good job. Usually they will sit and say 'door' (or whatever the word) as many times as it takes for you to notice, and then get really excited when you say, 'Yes honey, that's a door'. Labeling is the normal progression of speech development and sounds like your kiddo is right on track! At this point, when he labels something for you, elaborate on it to help him begin using phrases. Such as 'Yes honey, the door is open, would you close the door please?' ..or anything that describes a door or helps explain what it does. It's so much fun to see them really start talking and then just take off with it!

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answers from New York on

NORMAL! Once my kids leaerned the name of something they loved to "show off" their new knowledge. I remember my kids learning that I (their Mom) was Poppy's kid. My daughter called him and said, "Do you knbow what your kid said?" I laughed so hard. She was so impresed with her knowledge of family relationships! I just gets more interesstibg the older they get! Enjoy why it lasts!!!

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