He's good to go. You, on the other hand, need to lighten up and laugh!
He's going to do many things like this for a loooong time.
My DS has a bunch of words I haven't recently counted how many, but it's over 30-40. Sometimes he calls something by the wrong name, for instance he was holding an airplane puzzle piece and called it "animal." I guess he realized that it wasn't an animal and then started saying "airplane" "airplane."
Then on occasion he will call people the wrong name, but quickly say the right name.
Is this normal? He's 21 months and 19 corrected.
Thank you!
He's good to go. You, on the other hand, need to lighten up and laugh!
He's going to do many things like this for a loooong time.
It's totally normal. If anything, he sounds advanced for his age.
My husband will never, ever get over the time our son (at about 11 mos.) pointed to a roll of toilet paper and called it "Dadda."
I'm almost 34 years old and call my kids by the wrong name sometimes. You kiddo sounds fine to me.
Not sure what you mean by "19 corrected" (was he a preemie?), but I think that it's still okay that he's behind the 8 ball a little. I would continue to play fun games with him, using lots of vocabulary, reading a lot of books to him, etc.
When you go in for his 2 year well visit, talk to the doctor about his speech. You do need to actually think about how many words he actually DOES have in order to tell the doctor this. You don't mention if his speech is easy to understand here - sometimes peds only pay attention to that aspect of speech, and there's a distinction between that and receptive and expressive language issues.
I do think that once he is a little older, all this will work itself out. However, after he reaches the 24 month mark, there is a big difference in what speech therapists consider to be normal, compared to before the 24 month mark. It might be beneficial to you to ask your ped for a referral so that you can have his speech evaluated. It doesn't hurt to do that, really. It can only benefit your son. At the very least they will tell you what you can do to help him.
One of my children had severe speech issues that resulted in 7 years of speech therapy. He had a structural issue that caused his problems, but he also had receptive and expressive language difficulties as well. He also needed occupational therapy and between the two, this all worked out. I don't think that you have anything like what we did, so don't worry about this, but my point is that I didn't take anything for granted - I did what needed to be done for his betterment.
Just keep an ear out, work with him with this in mind, and if he continues to have trouble as his vocabulary grows, ask for an evaluation.
Good luck!
my son has been in speech for 3yrs. now (he's 5) his Doctor told us on he's 2yr. check up that my son should be saying anywhere from 25 to 50 words... looks like you guys are right on track :)
Yup, he's doing great.
My daughter didn't say anything anyone could understand until after seh turned two , so to me he sounds advanced lol.
Sounds like he is doing great to me. Pretty normal. I mean heck he corrects himself!!!'
For a while all animals said "moo" in my daughter's world. I forget how old she was when she corrected herself. I wouldn't worry too much, just gently direct him to the right thing. My friend's nephew called all animals dogs, all dogs were named their dog's name and all of them said quack. Or something like that. I assure you he's a normal 5 yr old now and knows the difference. :)
Totally normal!
Relax, your son sounds perfectly fine.
I am assuming this is your first child? It never hurts to ask questions but be prepared, you will have a TON of questions and more often than not, your concerns will be for not.
Now if you find that he has a lisp or can not say his R's or F's or something you can call the elementary school your son will be going to (gotta find out which school district and zone you are in) call them and ask to speak to their 'speech therapist' and ask for a speech evaluation. They will set you up with an appointment and evaluate him for you at no charge, in my state anyway, pretty sure thats most states these days too!
He sounds like he's doing great. And it is significant that he corrected himself on the animal-airplane mistake -- when he can correct himself like that, he is doing well indeed. Remember, he is very young, and his brain and mouth have SO many wonderful words they want to get out now, now, now, that it is normal to make these mistakes. They are how he learns! And there will be more such little mistakes to come,, so don't worry. Read up on language development in toddlers and it will give you a lot of reassurance that he is developing very well.